' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Name: URLDecode ' Author: Markus Diersbock ' Created: 03/30/2003 ' ' Description: Decodes a URLEncoded string ' ' Arguments: sEncodedURL - Encoded String to Decode ' Returns: Decoded String ' Revisions: ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function URLDecode(sEncodedURL As String) As String On Error GoTo Catch Dim iLoop As Integer Dim sRtn As String Dim sTmp As String If Len(sEncodedURL) > 0 Then ' Loop through each char For iLoop = 1 To Len(sEncodedURL) sTmp = Mid(sEncodedURL, iLoop, 1) sTmp = Replace(sTmp, "+", " ") ' If char is % then get next two chars ' and convert from HEX to decimal If sTmp = "%" and LEN(sEncodedURL) + 1 > iLoop + 2 Then sTmp = Mid(sEncodedURL, iLoop + 1, 2) sTmp = Chr(CDec("&H" & sTmp)) ' Increment loop by 2 iLoop = iLoop + 2 End If sRtn = sRtn & sTmp Next URLDecode = sRtn End If Finally: Exit Function Catch: URLDecode = "" Resume Finally End Function